Al-Qur’an Literacy: A Strategy and Learning Steps in Improving Al-Qur’an Reading Skills through Action Research


  • Udin Supriadi
  • Tedi Supriyadi
  • Aam Abdussalam


reciting skills; Qur’an; action research; learning method


There was an 11% increase in Qur’an illiteracy from 2015 to 2018
although Indonesia is a Muslim majority country. This fact sparks a
question on the Islamic Education Studies (Pendidikan Agama Islam,
PAI) implementation as a mandatory curriculum in Indonesia, which is
still incapable of solving problems related to Qur’an illiteracy. This
research was conducted in collaboration with several parties to designate
practical steps aim at improving Al-Qur'an literacy in high school
students in Bandung, West Java through an action research design 1,975
students. The research results suggest seven practical steps in solving
Qur’an reading skills issues as critical reflections in improving students’
Al-Qur’an reading skills. These steps are abbreviated into LITERAT,
which summarizes the syntax in reading the Qur’an. Its implementation
is proven to have significantly improved students’ Qur’an reading skills.
This research concludes that LITERAT is a relatively effective learning
method in improving students’ Qur’an literacy. This finding is believed
to contribute to the succession of Qur’an illiteracy eradication in West


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